Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Informatics >  B. Bachelor of Science Software Systems Development >  Required Elective Area >  Modul InfB-BKA: Berechenbarkeit, Komplexität und Approximation

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
64-074 Lecture Computability, Complexity and Approximation
Marten Maack; Malin Rau
Tue, 2. Apr. 2024 [16:15] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2024 [18:45]
64-075 Exercises Computability, Complexity and Approximation
Felix Biermeier; Tim Christopher Hahn; Marten Maack
Practical course/lab