Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Mathematics >  A. Mathematics >  I. Bachelor (Mathematics, Business Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics, Mathematics teacher training in secondary and cocational education) >  Bachelor Business Mathematics >  Required modules 3rd semester >  Ma-PS/WiMa-MPS, Ma-PS/WiMa-MPS-oABK1 Proseminar

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
65-102 Proseminar on Elementary Number Theory
Prof. Dr. Ulf Kühn
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Wed, 29. Jan. 2020 [15:45]
Introductory seminar
65-104 Proseminar "Proofs from the book"
Prof. Dr. Felix Claudius Joos
Introductory seminar
65-132 Proseminar on Analysis
Prof. Dr. Reiner Lauterbach
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Th, 30. Jan. 2020 [11:45]
Introductory seminar
65-134 Proseminar on Number Systems (Block course in January)
Dr. Yurii Khomskii
Tue, 14. Jan. 2020 [12:00] - Fri, 17. Jan. 2020 [18:00]
Introductory seminar