Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Physics >  F. Physics Courses for Students of other Degree Programs >  2) For Students of Chemistry, Geosciences, Wood Sciences and Food Chemistry

Die Vorlesung „Experimentalphysik“ für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften wird im jährlichen Turnus, jeweils im Wintersemester angeboten.
Die Physikalischen Praktika werden im Winter- und Sommersemester angeboten.
Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
66-740 Experimental physics for students of natural sciences
PD Dr. Michael Martins
Wed, 19. Oct. 2022 [08:15] - Fri, 3. Feb. 2023 [09:45]
66-742 Exercises in Experimental physics for students of earth sciences
PD Dr. Michael Martins
Practical course/lab
66-743 Exercises in experimental physics for students of bio-ressource management
PD Dr. Michael Martins
Practical course/lab