Course catalogue

Overview >  Studium Generale >  Lehrangebot aus dem ISA-Zentrum >  Migration

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
ISA-200.002 Ideology, State Ethos, and Projection of Power in Iran
Dr. Sara Bazoobandi
Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [11:00] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2024 [12:30]
ISA-200.006 Language education: premises, theories and practices (hybrid) - Prof. Dr. Milan Puh
Helena Livia Dedecek Gertz
Th, 4. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Sat, 8. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
Block course
ISA-200.007 Migration, mobility and education: mapping, analysis and propositions (hybrid) Prof. Dr. Milan Puh
Helena Livia Dedecek Gertz
Fri, 5. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Sat, 8. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
Block course