Course catalogue

Overview >  Zentrum für Interdiszilinäre Studienangebote

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
24-300.21 Data Realms II: Reflections of Data Realms
Prof. Dr. Katharina Kleinen; Dr. Julia Niemann-Lenz; Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schneider; Dr. Wolfgang Schulz; Prof. Dr. Judith Simon
Tue, 2. Apr. 2024 [16:00] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2024 [20:00]
Lecture series
24-300.23 Critical Insights into Digital Realms: Analyzing Open Data and Personal Data with R

Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [12:15] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2024 [13:45]
Practical course/lab
72.090WB Lecture: Basic Principles of Human Movement and Training Science
Prof. Dr. Bettina Wollesen
Tue, 2. Apr. 2024 [12:15] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2024 [13:45]
72.295 Physical Activity and the City: What makes Hamburg a Global Active City?
Nils Schumacher
Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [12:15] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2024 [13:45]
83-607 ISA Introduction to Causal Inference and Digital Causality Lab
Philipp Simeon Bach
Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [08:00] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2024 [11:00]
Lecture + practical course
85-714 ISA Sustainable Startups in Emerging Economies
Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen; Prof. Dr. Kay Peters
Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [19:00] - Wed, 3. Jul. 2024 [20:00]
85-717 ISA Hamburg Fairtrade Competition
Prof. Dr. Kay Peters
Mon, 15. Apr. 2024 [18:00] - Fri, 21. Jun. 2024 [21:00]
86-761 ISA Digital Innovation Lab
Imke Grashoff; Prof. Dr. Jan Christof Recker
Wed, 10. Apr. 2024 [14:00] - Wed, 26. Jun. 2024 [14:00]
ISA-200.001 Kunst X klimapolitische Perspektiven. Ein Seminar in der Hamburger Kunsthalle
Dr. Lilian Adlung-Schönheit; Sebastian Federle
Fri, 5. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Fri, 5. Jul. 2024 [15:00]
ISA-200.002 Ideology, State Ethos, and Projection of Power in Iran
Dr. Sara Bazoobandi
Wed, 3. Apr. 2024 [11:00] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2024 [12:30]
ISA-200.003 Exploring Life Sciences - Einblick in die molekulare Welt
Sebastian Federle; Dr. Mirko Himmel
Sat, 8. Jun. 2024 [10:00] - Sun, 16. Jun. 2024 [19:00]
Block course
ISA-200.006 Language education: premises, theories and practices (hybrid) - Prof. Dr. Milan Puh
Helena Livia Dedecek Gertz
Th, 4. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Sat, 8. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
Block course
ISA-200.007 Migration, mobility and education: mapping, analysis and propositions (hybrid) Prof. Dr. Milan Puh
Helena Livia Dedecek Gertz
Fri, 5. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Sat, 8. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
Block course
ISA-200.100 Conflict Mediation and Moderation in Groups
Dr. Nils Zurawski
Mon, 6. May 2024 [17:00] - Sat, 15. Jun. 2024 [15:45]
ISA-200.101 Summer University: Street Epistemology - Controversial Places in Hamburg
Sigrid Happ; Marle Schuhmann; Prof. Dr. Hartwig Spitzer
Fri, 12. Apr. 2024 [17:30] - Fri, 27. Sep. 2024 [17:00]
ISA-200.102 Experience-oriented approaches for Peace with the World around You
Sigrid Happ; Dr. Gunnar Liedtke
Mon, 8. Apr. 2024 [16:00] - Mon, 6. May 2024 [18:15]
ISA-200.103 Armed Conflict Worldwide 2023
Wolfgang Schreiber
Mon, 8. Apr. 2024 [14:00] - Mon, 8. Jul. 2024 [16:00]
ISA-200.104 Buddhism in Dialogue: Hermenutics and Didactics of Key Buddhist Texts in Religious Education
Dr. Carola Roloff
Tue, 2. Apr. 2024 [10:15] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2024 [11:45]
ISA-200.105 Buddhism in Dialogue: Socially Engaged Buddhism
Dr. Carola Roloff
Tue, 2. Apr. 2024 [12:15] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2024 [13:45]
Seminar II
ISA-200.106 Peacebuilding: Inter-Religious and Spiritual Care (Workshop)
PD Dr. Hüseyin Aguicenoglu; Dr. Dr. Florian Baab; Prof. Dr. Kristin Merle; Dr. Carola Roloff
Fri, 12. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Sat, 4. May 2024 [17:00]
Practical course/lab
ISA-200.107 Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) as Method and its Significance in Interpersonal Communication
Peggy Bendler
Fri, 3. May 2024 [14:15] - Sat, 15. Jun. 2024 [15:30]
ISA-200.108 Lecture: Introduction to the Psychology of Interpersonal Communication (The Hamburg Approach by Schulz von Thun)
Dr. Jens Joachim Rogmann
Mon, 8. Apr. 2024 [16:15] - Mon, 8. Jul. 2024 [18:00]
ISA-200.200 Female Blues
Risto Lenz
Mon, 22. Apr. 2024 [18:00] - Sun, 5. May 2024 [18:00]
Block course
ISA-200.201 Diversity & Intersectionality: Theoretische Perspektiven undanalytische Konzepte
Robel Afeworki Abay
Th, 4. Apr. 2024 [14:00] - Th, 11. Jul. 2024 [18:00]
Block course
ISA-200.202 Perspektiven auf Geschlecht
Merle Marie Eckert
Fri, 7. Jun. 2024 [09:00] - Sat, 22. Jun. 2024 [15:30]
Block course
ISA-200.301 Workshop für studentische Forschungsgruppen an der UHH
Sat, 1. Jun. 2024 [13:00] - Sun, 2. Jun. 2024 [15:00]
Block course