Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie >  BA Religionswissenschaft im Nebenfach >  REWI-1 Einführung Religionswissenschaft

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
51-64.01.1 Religious Pluralization and Individualization
Ulrike Caspar-Seeger
Wed, 4. Apr. 2018 [12:15] - Wed, 11. Jul. 2018 [13:45]
Introductory seminar
51-64.02.1 Ecumenical Convergences in Sacramental Theology
Dr. Uta Andrée
Wed, 4. Apr. 2018 [08:15] - Wed, 11. Jul. 2018 [09:45]
Introductory seminar
51-64.03.1 Transformation
Dr. Anton Knuth
Mon, 9. Apr. 2018 [10:15] - Mon, 2. Jul. 2018 [15:00]
Introductory seminar
51-64.04.1 Peacable Buddhism, Belligerent Islam? Perspectives on the Relationship between Religion and Violence
Ulrike Caspar-Seeger
Mon, 9. Apr. 2018 [10:15] - Mon, 16. Jul. 2018 [11:45]
Introductory seminar