Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Kulturwissenschaften >  4. Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes - Klassische Archäologie >  BA Fachspezifischer Wahlbereich: WB1 (Studienbeginn ab 16/17)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
56-301 (2 LP) VL: Period 4: Prehistory of Italy: Etruscans, Roman Republic
Dr. Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [16:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
56-301 (4 LP) VL: Period 4: Prehistory of Italy: Etruscans, Roman Republic
Dr. Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [16:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
56-301.1 (1 LP) TUT: Period 4: Prehistory of Italy: Etruscans, Roman Republic
Dr. Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
Wed, 22. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Wed, 15. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
56-302 (2 LP) VL: Roman Architecture
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
56-302 (4 LP) VL: Roman Architecture
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
56-303 (2 LP) VL: The Archaeology of ancient Cyprus
PD Dr. Dietrich Berges
Wed, 22. Apr. 2020 [16:15] - Wed, 15. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
56-311.1 (1 LP) Tut: Introduction II: Roman Archaeology
Fanny Katharina Opdenhoff
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [16:15] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
56-312 (3 LP) UE: Colonia Ulpia Traiana – Introduction to geophysical prospections
Nikola Babucic; Prof. Dr. Martina Seifert
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [14:15] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [15:45]
Practical course/lab
56-313 (3 LP)* UE: Fieldschool Xanten - Geophysical Prospection
Nikola Babucic; Prof. Dr. Martina Seifert
Practical course/lab
56-314 (3 LP)* UE: Practical fieldwork training in Miletus
Dr. Sabine Huy
Practical course/lab
56-315 (3 LP) UE: Miletus as a Laboratory: Methods of Fieldwork
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [08:30] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [10:00]
Practical course/lab
56-316 (3 LP)* UE: What to do with all the shards? Introduction to the basics of ceramic processing
Dr. Sabine Huy
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [16:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
Practical course/lab
56-317 (3 LP)* UE: A Museum of Inscriptions for Miletus
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns; Prof. Dr. Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Practical course/lab
56-321 (2 LP) SE: Etruscan Imagery between Figure and Ornament
Jacobus Bracker
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [10:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [11:45]
56-321 (4 LP) SE: Etruscan Imagery between Figure and Ornament
Jacobus Bracker
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [10:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [11:45]
56-322 (2 LP) Experiencing the Lost World:The rediscovery of antiquity through reception,reconstruction and reproduction
Nadine Leisner
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
56-322 (4 LP) SE: Experiencing the Lost World:The rediscovery of antiquity through reception,reconstruction and reproduction
Nadine Leisner
Th, 23. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
56-323 (2 LP) SE: Religion, cult and superstition: Etruscans and the early Roman Republic
Nadine Leisner
Tue, 21. Apr. 2020 [14:15] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [15:45]
56-323 (4 LP) SE: Religion, cult and superstition: Etruscans and the early Roman Republic
Nadine Leisner
Tue, 21. Apr. 2020 [14:15] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [15:45]
56-324 (2 LP)* SE: Roman Portraits in Asia Minor (*Blockveranstaltung)
Nisan Lordoglu
56-324 (4 LP)* SE: Roman Portraits in Asia Minor (*Blockveranstaltung)
Nisan Lordoglu
56-325 (5 LP)* MS/SE: The Archaeology of the Anthropocene. Human-Environment Interaction in Ancient Societies (*Blockveranstaltung)
Jacobus Bracker; Birte Meller M.A.
Fri, 3. Apr. 2020 [10:00] - Fri, 24. Apr. 2020 [17:30]
Intermediate seminar
56-327 (2 LP)* SE:Funerary architecture, decor and art of the Etruscans in the archaic
Dr. Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
56-327 (4 LP)* SE: Funerary architecture, decor and art of the Etruscans in the archaic period
Dr. Cornelia Weber-Lehmann
56-331 (2 LP) HS: Material and Construction Processes in Roman Architecture
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns
Tue, 28. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
Advanced seminar
56-331 (5 LP) HS: Material and Construction Processes in Roman Architecture
Prof. Dr. Christof Berns
Tue, 28. Apr. 2020 [12:15] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [13:45]
Advanced seminar
56-342 (5 LP)* ENTFÄLLT Ex: TAIWAN – the Archaeology of the Anthropocene (*Teilnehmerbegrenzung, Blockveranstaltung)
Jacobus Bracker; Birte Meller M.A.
Field trip
56-351 (1 LP)* KO: Colloquium for exam candidates (Bachelor)
Nadine Leisner