Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie >  BA Lehramt Primar- und Sekundarstufe 1, Sonderschulen, Berufsschulen >  LAPS 4/7 Religionswissenschaft (MÖR-PT)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
51-55.03.1 Shaping Bodies and Religion
Anita Watzel
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [16:15] - Tue, 16. Feb. 2021 [17:45]
Advanced seminar
51-55.04.1 Religious Spaces and Holy Places
Mehmet Tobias Kalender
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Tue, 16. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
Advanced seminar
51-65.01.1 Religion Facilitates Peace. Religions' Potential for Peace in political violent conflicts
Dr. Marianne Subklew-Jeutner
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [16:15] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [17:45]
51-65.02.1 Religion and Social Reform in Global Exchange Between Christian Unitarians and Bengal Hindus in the 19. Century
Dr. Julian Strube
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [12:15] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [13:45]