Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Fachbereich Chemie >  H) Staatsexamen Pharmazie >  2. Fachsemester >  Modul CHE 321: [B1] Quantitative Bestimmung von Arznei-, Hilfs- und Schadstoffen (unter Einbeziehung von Arzneibuch-Methoden)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
62-321.1 Pharmaceutical / medical chemistry: quantitative analytics
Dr. Thomas Lemcke
Mon, 17. Apr. 2023 [09:00] - Mon, 3. Jul. 2023 [10:00]
62-321.2 Quantitative determination of pharmaceutical drugs, excipients and toxic substances
Dr. Thomas Lemcke
Wed, 12. Apr. 2023 [12:00] - Fri, 9. Jun. 2023 [18:00]
62-321.3 Seminar on quantitative determination of pharmaceutical drugs, excipients and toxic substances
Dr. Thomas Lemcke
Tue, 4. Apr. 2023 [10:00] - Tue, 11. Jul. 2023 [11:30]