Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences >  Graduate School: Lehrangebot für Promotionsstudierende >  Lehrangebote aus den Masterstudiengängen >  M.Sc. Economics (FB Volkswirtschaftslehre)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
22-30.010 Individual Decisions, Games and Markets
Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [09:00] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [12:00]
Interactive class
22-30.020 Elements of Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory
Prof. Michael Bauer
Mon, 2. Nov. 2020 [10:00] - Wed, 17. Feb. 2021 [11:00]
Interactive class
22-30.030 Estimation and Inference in Econometrics
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lucke
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [08:00] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [18:00]
Interactive class
22-30.104 Computational Economics
Prof. Dr. Olaf Posch
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [09:00] - Th, 18. Feb. 2021 [12:00]
Interactive class