Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Asien-Afrika-Institut >  II. Abteilung für Sprache und Kultur Chinas und Arbeitsbereich Koreanistik >  Internationaler B.A.-Studiengang Ostasien - Koreanistik >  LV in der Vertiefungsphase (3. Jahr) >  Wahlbereich

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
57-109/-110/-111 Fundamentals of Japanese Studies
Prof. Dr. Steffen Döll; Prof. Dr. Eike Ursula Großmann; Prof. Dr. Jörg Quenzer
57-267 ONLINE (Ü) Korean Philosophy and Confucianism [OA-WB]
Tue, 12. Apr. 2022 [10:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [12:00]
57-268 Readings in current research
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Karen Schulz Zinda
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [13:00]
Practical course/lab
57-269 Online class: film analysis on the basis of Korean movies
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Karen Schulz Zinda
Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [09:00] - Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [10:00]
57-287 K-pop contextualized
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Karen Schulz Zinda
Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Fri, 15. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
57-288 North Korean picture books
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Karen Schulz Zinda
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
57-292 PRÄSENZ (S) Research Seminar in Korean Language [OA-WB][KOR3]
Hanna Park
Tue, 5. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
Practical course/lab