Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Sprache, Literatur und Medien I >  C. Deutsche Sprache und Literatur >  d) Neuere deutsche Literatur >  Seminare Ib

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
52-221 Poetry as a Gift
Prof. Dr. Peter Brandes
Th, 2. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [14:00]
Seminar 1b
52-222 What is a Letter? Object, Genre, Medium, Function
Julia Maria Sarah Nantke
Th, 2. Apr. 2020 [10:00] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [12:00]
Seminar 1b
52-223 Imaginations of Force: Poetics and Science around 1800
Dr. Adrian Renner
Tue, 7. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [14:00]
Seminar 1b
52-224 Sobriety and Intoxication in Literature and Aesthetics since 1800
Kevin Michael Drews
Tue, 7. Apr. 2020 [10:00] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [12:00]
Seminar 1b
52-225 Of picturebooks, comics, and illustrations: an introduction to visual narration (T/M)
Dr. Philipp Schmerheim
Mon, 6. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar 1b
52-226 DIGITAL: Inszenierungen von Geschlecht in der Kinderliteratur (bes. für Lehramtsstud.) [DSL/DE-A-NdL] [DSL/DE-A-DSL] [SLM-WB] [Master-WB]
Mirjam Katharina Groll
Mon, 6. Apr. 2020 [10:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [12:00]
Seminar 1b
52-227 Goethe's poetry - from the Anacreontic to the post-classical period
Dr. Harry Fröhlich
Th, 2. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar 1b
52-228 Literary responses to German reunification
Jana Schulze
Wed, 8. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Wed, 15. Jul. 2020 [14:00]
Seminar 1b
52-229 Theatre for children and young adults
Dr. Philipp Schmerheim
Mon, 6. Apr. 2020 [16:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [18:00]
Seminar 1b
52-230 ‘To see or not to see’. Performance analyses of productions staged at Thalia Theatre]
Christian Wobbeler
Seminar 1b
52-231 Children’s literature on screen. An introduction to film analysis and theories of film adaptation
Dr. Philipp Schmerheim
Mon, 6. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [14:00]
Seminar 1b
52-232 The continuance of the avantgarde in exile
Finja Zemke
Mon, 6. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar 1b
52-233 J.M.R. Lenz: Dramas and Short Novels
Dr. Eva Anna Maria Blome
Th, 2. Apr. 2020 [08:00] - Th, 9. Jul. 2020 [10:00]
Seminar 1b
52-234 European Romanticism?
PD Dr. Patrick Eiden-Offe
Wed, 8. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Wed, 15. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar 1b
52-312 Digital: Grundlagen der Medien: Fernsehen [MuK-E02] [MuK-E2] [MuK-WB] [DSL-A-DSL]
Prof. Dr. Judith Ellenbürger
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
Seminar/practical course
52-331 Transmedia Noir-Aesthetics: Origins, Peaks and Hybridisations
Prof. Dr. Judith Ellenbürger
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [16:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [18:00]
52-332 Digital: Geschichte des Realismus im Film [MuK-A01G] [MuK-A02] [MuK-A2] [MuK-WB] [DSL-A-DSL]
PD Dr. Heinz Hiebler
Tue, 21. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [16:00]
52-340 Digital: Soziale Medien [MuK-A02] [MuK-A01GAT] [MuK-WB] [DSL-A-DSL]
Prof. Dr. Joan Kristin Bleicher
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [12:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [14:00]
52-341 Digital: Medien und Migration [MuK-A02] [MuK-A01GAT] [MuK-WB] [DSL-A-DSL]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [14:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [16:00]