Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Asien-Afrika-Institut >  III. Abteilung für Sprachen und Kulturen Südostasiens >  4.) Wahlbereich [W]

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
57-302 Culture and Society of Modern Southeast Asia
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [18:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [20:00]
57-303 Cambodia in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky; Pheakdey Boramy Pong
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
57-305 Southeast Asia in the New Cold War
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 25. Oct. 2023 [18:00] - Sat, 20. Jan. 2024 [18:00]
57-306 Southeast Asian Studies: Theories and Methods
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert; Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [10:00] - Th, 1. Feb. 2024 [12:00]
57-307 MA Thai Literature and Media A: Jataka tales in Thailand and Laos and their visual adaptations
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Wed, 18. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
57-308 MA Thai Literature and Media B: Evolution of Thai Language and Script
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Th, 1. Feb. 2024 [16:00]
57-309 The Republic of Vietnam (1955-1975): History and Culture”
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 25. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
57-310 Literature of the RVN period. Reading Class (Master pieces of the RVN Literature

Wed, 25. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [18:00]
57-311 MA Indonesian and Malay Literature and Media A: Memory: Recording the past in Indonesia. The 1965-66 events and its memory
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé
Mon, 16. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Mon, 29. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
57-312 MA Indonesian and Malay Literature and Media B: Indonesian modern art and visual culture
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Dr. Amanda Rath
Th, 26. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Fri, 2. Feb. 2024 [18:00]
57-313 City and country rankings in SE-Asia and beyond: a comparative approach of urban transport systems,liveability of cities, and freedom of societies
Dr. Matthias Mueth
Mon, 16. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Mon, 29. Jan. 2024 [18:00]
57-314 PRÄSENZ: Vom Mother Hubbard Dress zu Bilum-Fashion und Hijab-Fab - Mode und Selbstbehauptung in Asien-Pazifik [W][SG][KS]
Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
Fri, 20. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Fri, 22. Dec. 2023 [14:00]
57-315 S (Thai): Vertiefung Thaiistik: Popular Movements in Thailand
PD Dr. Sven Trakulhun
Wed, 18. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [18:00]
57-316 Understanding Tai Conceptualizations of Sociality
Benjamin Baumann
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Th, 1. Feb. 2024 [14:00]
57-322 Indonesian III
Yanti Mirdayanti
Wed, 18. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
Advanced language course
57-329 Grammar and Syntax of Thai (A)
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Wed, 18. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [14:00]
Practical course/lab
57-330 Second Tai Language: Introduction into Lao (A)
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [14:00]
Reading course
57-331 Intercultural Communication in Thai: Tandem with a Thai university
Pannarai Büchmann
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [10:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [12:00]
Advanced language course
57-332 Introduction to Khmer (Khmer 1)
Savuth Prum
Mon, 16. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Mon, 29. Jan. 2024 [19:00]
Project seminar
57-333 Classical Vietnamese Han-Viet 1
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 25. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Wed, 31. Jan. 2024 [14:00]
Advanced language course
57-336 Filipino 1 (Tagalog) A
Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [10:00] - Th, 25. Jan. 2024 [12:00]
Advanced language course
57-338 Filipino 3 (Tagalog) A
Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [12:00] - Th, 1. Feb. 2024 [14:00]
Advanced language course
57-340 Exploring the Tapestry of Contemporary Filipino – Part A
Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen
Th, 19. Oct. 2023 [14:00] - Th, 25. Jan. 2024 [16:00]
Advanced language course
57-354 Collogium MA and Doctorades
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert; Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 [16:00] - Tue, 30. Jan. 2024 [18:00]