Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Fachbereich Kulturwissenschaften >  6. Kunstgeschichte >  Orientierungseinheit (OE) - Studienanfänger/innen und Neuzulassungen im WiSe 20/21

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
56-000 (OE WS20/21) Orientation course
Carina Engelke; Dr. Francisco Ozanan Gomes Rocha; Paula Lynn Gropper; Aileen Nunnerley; Shanice-Lisa Page; Dr. Frank Schmitz; Bianca Manuela Schulz; Emely Steiner; Lucas Stübbe
Information session
56-000 (OE WS20/21) Orientation course
Dr. Francisco Ozanan Gomes Rocha; Sanja Hilscher; Aileen Nunnerley; Shanice-Lisa Page
Information session
56-000 (WiSe 20/21) Orientation course
Judith Brachem; Carina Engelke; Dr. Francisco Ozanan Gomes Rocha; Paula Lynn Gropper; Aileen Nunnerley; Shanice-Lisa Page; Katharina Rhinow; Dr. Frank Schmitz; Bianca Manuela Schulz; Emely Steiner; Lucas Stübbe
Information session
56-600 (2 LP) Orientation Course
Carina Engelke; Paula Lynn Gropper; Sanja Hilscher; Shanice-Lisa Page; Dr. Frank Schmitz; Bianca Manuela Schulz; Emely Steiner; Lucas Stübbe
Mon, 26. Oct. 2020 [10:00] - Th, 29. Oct. 2020 [18:00]
Orientation module
56-601 (4 LP) Follow the Material! An Introduction into the analysis of modern and contemporary Art
Prof. Dr. Petra Lange-Berndt
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [12:00] - Tue, 16. Feb. 2021 [14:00]
56-601 TUT (2 LP) Follow the Material! An Introduction into the analysis of modern and contemporary Art
Prof. Dr. Petra Lange-Berndt; Emely Steiner
56-602 (4 LP) Early Christian Art
Prof. Dr. Hanna Wimmer
Fri, 6. Nov. 2020 [10:00] - Fri, 19. Feb. 2021 [12:00]
Complementary seminar
56-602 (4 LP) The Image of the Ruler in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt
Complementary seminar
56-602 TUT (2 LP) ENTFÄLLT Übung/Tutorium zum Begleitseminar zur Orientierungseinheit Herrscherbilder vom Mittelalter bis zur frühen Neuzeit
56-602 TUT (2 LP) Tutorial Early Christian Art
Irini Demi; Prof. Dr. Hanna Wimmer
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [12:00] - Wed, 17. Feb. 2021 [14:00]
56-603 (4 LP) History and Stories. History painting 15th to 19th Century
Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm
Fri, 6. Nov. 2020 [12:00] - Fri, 19. Feb. 2021 [14:00]
56-603 TUT (2 LP) Tutorial History and Stories. History painting 15th to 19th Century
Gregor Christopher Meinecke; Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm
56-631 TUT 2 (1 LP) Tutorial
Katharina Rhinow
Tue, 3. Nov. 2020 [10:00] - Tue, 16. Feb. 2021 [12:00]