Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Institut für Katholische Theologie >  BA Katholische Theologie (Nebenfach) >  KTH-6 Menschen in der Nachfolge

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
58-131 Benedictines, Franciscans, Jesuits and Co. Christian orders and their importance for church and Society
PD Dr. Sebastian Holzbrecher
Tue, 6. Apr. 2021 [14:15] - Tue, 6. Jul. 2021 [15:45]
Seminar I
58-134 Zealot for the Torah. The Maccabees' struggles for freedom
Matthias Berghorn
Seminar I
58-135 Introduction to theological ethics
Dr. Matthias Gillner
Wed, 7. Apr. 2021 [16:15] - Wed, 7. Jul. 2021 [17:45]
Seminar II