Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Humanities >  Asien-Afrika-Institut >  III. Abteilung für Sprachen und Kulturen Südostasiens >  4) Wahlbereich [W]

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
57-303 European Travel in Siam: Cross-Cultural Encounters from the 16th to the early twentieth century
PD Dr. Sven Trakulhun
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
57-305 Vertiefung Vietnamistik: The Conflict in the South China Sea and the Indo-Pacific Strategies
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Tue, 12. Apr. 2022 [18:00] - Sat, 25. Jun. 2022 [16:00]
57-308 Filipino 1 (Tagalog) B
Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [10:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [12:00]
Advanced language course
57-311 Khmer II
Savuth Prum
Mon, 4. Apr. 2022 [16:00] - Mon, 11. Jul. 2022 [19:00]
Advanced language course
57-312 ONLINE: Classical Malay [W][SG]
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten; Rangga Eka Saputra
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
Advanced language course
57-313 Exploring journalistic texts in Indonesian
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten
Tue, 5. Apr. 2022 [10:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [12:00]
57-314 Second Tai Language: Introduction into Lao (B)
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Tue, 5. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
Reading course
57-315 Thai Reading (intermediate level)
Sutheera Satayaphan
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
Practical course/lab
57-316 Classical Vietnamese Han-Viet 2
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
Advanced language course
57-319 Intercultural Communication in Thai: Tandem with the Thammasat university
Pannarai Büchmann
Tue, 5. Apr. 2022 [10:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [12:00]
57-340 Southeast Asian Studies: Theories and Methods
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert; Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky; Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [10:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [12:00]
57-341 MA Thai Culture and Society A: 160 years of Thai-German relations: Reading the sources
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
57-342 MA Thai Culture and Society B: Thai Politics and Society since 1973
Prof. Dr. Volker Grabowsky
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
57-343 MA Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures A: Vietnam and China. History and Society
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [16:00]
57-344 Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures B: Vietnam and China. Reading Class
Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert
Wed, 6. Apr. 2022 [16:00] - Wed, 13. Jul. 2022 [18:00]
57-345 MA Indonesian and Malay Culture and Society A: The sea as the abode of imagination and knowledge
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten
Mon, 4. Apr. 2022 [16:00] - Mon, 11. Jul. 2022 [18:00]
57-346 MA Indonesian and Malay Culture and Society B: Favourite Southeast Asian Pastimes: Gambling, Gossip, Karaoke-singing and others
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Alan Darmawan; Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten
Th, 7. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Th, 14. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
57-351 Indonesia's troubled region - History of the Political Conflict in West-Papua
Marion Struck-Garbe M.A.
Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Fri, 15. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
57-352 70 years of diplomatic relations between Hamburg and Jakarta
Prof. Dr. Jan van der Putten; Rangga Eka Saputra
Mon, 4. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Mon, 11. Apr. 2022 [16:00]
57-353 Centre and periphery: The ethnology of Thailand and Laos
Dr. Guido Sprenger
Mon, 4. Apr. 2022 [08:30] - Mon, 11. Jul. 2022 [10:00]
57-354 Living Islam in Southeast Asia
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé
Tue, 12. Apr. 2022 [12:00] - Tue, 12. Jul. 2022 [14:00]
57-355 Lecture Series: Democratization and Civil Society in Southeast Asia
Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé; Prof. Dr. Jörg Engelbert; Melina Kaiser
Fri, 8. Apr. 2022 [14:00] - Fri, 1. Jul. 2022 [16:00]