Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Informatics >  D. Bachelor of Science Human-Computer Interaction >  1. Pflichtbereich Informatik >  Modul InfB-AD: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (MCI-Studierende mit Studienstart ab 2019/20)

Pflichtmodul für MCI-Studierende mit Studienstart ab 2019/20.
Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
64-070 Lecture Algorithms and Data Structures
Prof. Dr. Peter Kling
Wed, 19. Oct. 2022 [09:15] - Wed, 1. Feb. 2023 [11:45]
64-071 Exercises Algorithms and Data Structures
Felix Biermeier; Christoph Damerius; Tim Christopher Hahn; Prof. Dr. Peter Kling; Bunlong Lay; Tim Rolff; Florian Schneider
Practical course/lab