Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences >  Department of Informatics >  L. Master of Education Teaching Informatics >  Lehramt an Gymnasien 2. Unterrichtsfach (LAGym UF 2) >  Pflichtmodule >  Modul InfM-Proj/LA: Projekt für Lehramtsstudierende (M.Ed.)

Angebot siehe STiNE
Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
64-180 Project Modern Database Systems
Mareike Schmidt
Th, 6. Apr. 2023 [14:00] - Th, 13. Jul. 2023 [18:00]
64-184 Project Agile development of adaptive plugin architectures
Dr. Daniel Moldt
Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 [16:00] - Th, 13. Jul. 2023 [18:00]
64-196 Project Applied IT-Security
Prof. Dr. Mathias Fischer; Tatjana Wingarz
Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 [14:00] - Wed, 12. Jul. 2023 [18:00]